How to Find Buyers For Your Export Business?

8 min readNov 21, 2021


We are preparing a special article series for all businesses who wants to develop their business by exporting products.

The first step that you need to follow for exporting is that always finding customers from abroad. Finding the customer who will appeal to our product has become a little easier with today’s technologies. There is even a business area called “Business Lead Generation” emerged.

In the past, exporters would probably try to find customers by visiting the fairs and overcoming difficult situations. Now, however, both fairs and recordings of companies are one click away from us.

Outscraper lets you seize this opportunity right here.

It provides a service that inspired this article and will especially benefit to exporting companies; which is a tool of Google Maps Data Extractor, the “Google Maps Scraper”.

In these days, almost everyone save their business to Google’s Maps service. Because of this reason, we wanted to share the easy way to reach these saved businesses with you.

With the Outscraper Google Maps Scraper, you can search all businesses which are saved to Google maps with just one click by choosing the categories and keywords. It normally takes a long time to find similar companies one by one and extract the details by doing searching in the Maps. Fortunately, Outscraper services do this process on behalf of you, and presents it to you as an excel file. All you need to do is download and examine your list.

Let’s follow an example work to understand how it works.

We will take a company which producing furniture and furniture accessories, and looking for furniture wholesalers in abroad to export their products as an example. The most critical detail to find potential customers is to find which categories and keywords they used while signing in the Google Maps.

Now we will make an trial for “furniture wholesaler” keywords.

Note: In order to find keywords according to your industry, you can get an idea by looking at how your customer company registered on maps. You can also take a look at our page where there is a general list of categories: Categories

Google Maps searching link: Furniture Wholesaler near London, United Kingdom

As you can see in the screenshot, this keyword gives us what our desired results. We see that we are in the right spot. Think about it, wouldn’t it be hard if we try to list these companies by taking theme here one by one? Especially when you want to get hundreds of them, it would take days to do so. However, thanks to Outscraper, this can be done very quickly.

Let’s see how to do it.

Visit the Outscraper page and register from the “Sign Up Now” button.

After the confirmation mail, you will be guided to address.

The Outscraper service has a very affordable pricing policy. First of all, there is no monthly subscription system, so you don’t have to pay a fixed fee. You pay as you go. You can see detailed pricing here: Pricing

You can activate the system by loading credits from the “Add Credit Now” option in the profile page.

The Payment infrastructure is made through Stripe, one of the biggest service providers in the world. For this reason, you will be guided to address. while adding your credits

After the payment successful notification you will see that how much credit balanced on your profile page. Since everything is done, now we can start searching.

Now it’s time to find hundreds of customers. There is Google services in the services section on the left. Choose Maps service from the left.

A lot of services appears on the left section that would be really beneficial for exporters. If you follow our Medium account, you can catch the news about them when an article posted.

In this panel, as in our scenario, we will do a search for furniture wholesalers. We will fill up the sections of Categories, Locations, Total Results Limit, Advanced Parameters, Enrich by Other Services and Task Tags.

In the Categories section, we type our keyword especially in English. Since we know that it gives us the results that we desired, we use the “furniture wholesaler” phrase.

In the Locations section, we type the country and its cities. To fit it with the example we talked about, we typed England and London.

In the Total Results section we choose the maximum number of results it should produce. Now we will move on according to the result.

As beginning, we suggest you to do little searches and do the filtering operations to learn more about the service. After understanding it clearly, you can scrape companies in all countries with the filters and keywords you specify.

After filling these three spaces, take a look at Advanced Parameters section.

We suggest you to use the Language section in English setting as much as possible. If you are going to make a special search for a specific country, you can use that country’s language as well.

In the Filters section you can choose whether certain subcategories are included in the results. It is not that important for the first searches.

Places per one query search is a special setting about how many searches will be done in a query. Google’s standart value is maxiumum 500.

Drop Duplicates always need to be selected so that system could block repetitive results as much as possible. However, companies with multiple branches or businesses that have registered in a few places for advertising may appear from the results.

In the Columns to return (all by default) you can manage which columns will be listed in the excel folder that would keep results. If it remains empty, all data columns will be listed. After you did the first searches, if you make a decision about which columns you want to use, then you can make a decision related to that.

After all these details, we will point out one of the most important details, and that is Domain Contacts Scraper”. This service of ours enriches the data by adding many details like social media accounts, mail addresses and more from the companies that their web sites are registered in Google Maps into our list. We strongly recommend you to use this service.

With the Export results to HubSpot option you can integrate all the resulting data into HubSpot and manage your sales via CRM. You can get detailed information from HubSpot Integration Page.

Task Tag, on the other hand, will help you to tag the results and choose them easily.

After entering all these settings, we continue the process by pressing the “Scrape Data” button. A confirmation screen will be appeared in the screen.

In this pop-up, system tells us that: “This search will be done and approximately 300 results will be appear. It will cost 0.05 cent. Please click Furnitune wholeseller, London, England, UK to make sure if these results are correct. If they are, confirm it and let the process begin.”

Take this warning seriously and click this link to control it.

Furnitune wholeseller, London, England, UK

The result is exactly like our research’s result. Quite successful. In the results there are generally things like furniture wholesalers and furniture stores. We can see that it will most likely to give the result that we desired.

Since these results are the details that businesses registered into their Google My Business account, the quality of the data is directly proportional to the information entered by the businesses. You can be sure about that you will get the best results for the corporate businesses.

If the results are just how we want, we click the “confirm” button and approve the tas.

Then it will be forwarded to the Tasks section.

After Outscraper finished the task, it will let you know that the process is done by sending you an email. You can track the process from the Tasks section in the left side of the service screen too. You can download the results from both tasks or link in the email.

Our results are ready, 225 results founded. Let’s click the Places [225] and download the file to examine.

You can download this search’s demo data from here: Demo Data

As you can see, the results are very successful. In the continuation of the columns, there are details such as e-mail addresses and social media accounts in the same order.

Separate the necessary columns and delete the others; now everything is ready! From now your export department have the list of your potential customers. All you need to do is to meet them and manage the bidding process.

At a time when this kind of technology and software makes daily life easier, the use of such services in the business world can increase the trade potential more than enough. Companies that use technology are always one step ahead.

If you have a problem while using the Outscraper services, you can reach our team at any time via email (

Now it’s your turn to use the Outscraper service. We are waiting for you to join us: Outscraper Google Maps Scraper




Written by Outscraper

Apply cutting-edge technologies to get any public data.

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